DNS Server error might frustrate you, especially when you want to access a website. It simply means your internet connection isn’t working perfectly. In this post, I will show you how to fix DNS server errors.
This error consists of the Internet and computer system. It is like having food without meat. It is challenging when the Internet isn’t working when it is most needed for research projects or business purposes.
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A pre-install utility allows the computer user to diagnose and fix network issues efficiently, efficiently troubleshooting network problems on a computer.
But wait. In some cases, the troubleshooter cannot fix the problem alone. It only shows error information and requires the users to fix the problem manually. So, if your computer’s Windows network diagnostics display, “Your DNS server may be unavailable,” don’t worry; this post will help you fix it.
Using the simple guides below, you can fix this error in less than 2 minutes. But before that, you need some information about the DNS server.
What Is The DNS Server?
DNS, or the Domain Name System, is developed to locate and deliver websites to users when accessing the Internet.
A DNS server stores information of domain names, network names (IP addresses), Internet hosts, DNS records, and other network-related information.”’
How Does DNS Servers Works?
Public DNS servers are freely available whenever users request to open a web browser. The DNS server then works as an intermediary.
Once the user visits any website, DNS Servers will instantly change the domain name to IP address. If the DNS Servers are not responding, the website you’re trying to open will not respond.
What Caused DNS Server Error Unavailable?
Bad network configuration is the main reason. Additionally, if you have added a static DNS server, you can experience this error. But by default, each new Internet connection uses a dynamic DNS server.
Sometimes, a third-party program like Antivirus tries to block the Internet connection, or the browser may cause it.
So try using another browser or closing and relaunching the browser to access the Internet. If the problem persists, here are solutions to fix “the DNS server may be unavailable.”

Fixed: Your DNS Server Might Be Unavailable
1. Flush DNS (Most Efficient Solution)
One of the tested methods of getting rid of the “DNS Server Unavailable” error is to ” flush the DNS ” using the command prompt on your computer.
- Press this command Win + R to open the box run.
- Type ” cmd.exe” and press the Enter key to enter the command prompt window.
- Once the command window prompt appears, type in the first command, ” ipconfig / flushdns,” and hit the ” Enter” key to run it.
- Type “ipconfig / release” in the second command and hit ” Enter.”
- Next, type in the third command, “ipconfig / renew,” and press ” Enter” (Note that quotes must be included while typing commands).
- Close the command prompt window, and that’s it.
- Restart your computer and check if the problem has been resolved and if you have connected to the Internet again.
2. For Adsl Users
ADSL works by splitting a phone line into two channels: voice and data connection. This allows users to continue using the phone while accessing the Internet. We all know there won’t be internet connections when we make or receive calls using the ADSL device.
If your router comes with ADSL to access the Internet, I strongly advise you to adjust your router settings because frequently, there can be a little issue with your router’s software, and a factory reset of your device may occur.
To reset your router, look at the back of the device. You will see a reset button or a slight hole labeled “reset.”
Press and hold the small button for about 3-5 seconds, then release. Alternatively, press and hold using a toothpick or a needle for about 3-5 seconds. This will reset the router. Once you restart your computer, there will be an Internet connection.
3. Remove Antivirus Programs
Using more than one antivirus program might make the DNS server unavailable. There is a tendency to be a compatibility issue between your PC and antivirus software.
You only need to keep one security program and remove all the others. Then restart your system, and that’s it.
4. Restart The Modem And The Router or Portable Hotspot
First, you must confirm that the modem and router are working correctly, mainly if you use a wireless connection (WiFi).
You can also check whether the smartphone’s Internet connection is powered on and the Ethernet connection cable is connected correctly.
Make sure that the modem and router’s LEDs display correctly. If you’re using a Portable Hotspot from your phone for an Internet connection, ensure it is powered on and display it at the top right corner of the phone, indicating that it is powered on. Restart the modem or router by using the power button or unplugging the power cord from the wall socket and reconnecting it.
If your DNS server is still unavailable after restarting, the problem is not resolved. Then, try the software solutions below.
5. Fix DNS Server Might Be Unavailable By Clear Your DNS Cache
As I have said earlier, the DNS cache stores the IP addresses of websites you have recently opened. If the location or IP address changes, get the update before entering your DNS cache. You can quickly fix the DNS server problem with this solution:
- Hit the Windows key + R to open the run window.
- Type CMD and press enter.
- The Command Prompt window pops up. Type the below command and hit enter.
ipconfig / flushdns
If you can get this message (“Successful flushing of DNS resolver cache”), Hopefully, it will resolve the DNS unavailable issue.
6. Register DNS And Renew IP Might Fixed DNS Server Unavailable
Renewing IP is also a good suggestion after clearing the DNS. The Register DNS command will also assist you in updating the host record in your active directory.
To solve the DNS server unavailable problem, you need to use these commands below:
- Press the Start button and type CMD.
- Right-click the cmd prompt in the search result and click “Run as administrator.”
- In CMD, execute these commands one after the other and press Enter.
To register DNS, here is the command
ipconfig / registerdns
These are the two commands to renew the IP
ipconfig / release
ipconfig / renewal
To reset Winsock. (Winsock cares for the input and output requests for Internet applications.)
netsh winsock reset
Immediately, you finished executing these commands. Restart your system.
7. Reset TCP / IP To Default
Resetting protocols to default may correct this error DNS server error. To do this, follow the below guides:
1. Launch the command prompt (Admin)
2. Type the below command and hit enter to execute the request.
netsh int ip reset
3. Once this command is complete. Restart your window to make the changes effective.
After you have tried all his tips and still experience an unavailable DNS Server or error pop up, restart DHCP and DNS Client Service, disable IPv6, and apply Google Public DNS Server will fix it.