Good news to sport lovers as Ethiosat added more channels to their package which includes Hornsat sports, Bollywood, Action. e.t.c. If you love to watch live football matches most especially EPL, La Liga, Serie A and other top European leagues, Ethiosat package on NSS-12 At 57.0E is the best option for you. In this post, I will guide you how to point your dish to get Hornsat package, Satellite coverage, Frequency and compatible receiver.

Ethiosat is an Ethiopia satellite launched last year around october. It is located on NSS-12 At 57.0E degree. According to Broadbandtvnews, reported Amman Fissehazion, Chairman of the AEB, said “We aimed to delivers over 30 channels for Ethiopian audiences, with 12 of those channels already in HD quality including Hornsat sports package.
Ethiosat also added some entertainment channels such as MBC 2, Bollywood, Drama
Satellite Coverage
According to the satellite beam, It shows that the signal footage covers both the North Africa and some part of the Middle East regions. With minimum of 60cm dish above in Ethiopia are good to go to get Ethiosat package host hornsat sports channels. However, West African regions can try with minimum of 2.4m dish and above. For better signal quality, I strongly advice you to use 3m dish above.
Ethiosat And Hornsport Package Satellite Parameter:
- Satellite Name: NSS-12
- Satellite Dish Orbital Position: 57.0E
- Dish Size: (North Africa And Middle-East is 90cm) And (Sub-Sahara Africa is 3m dish above)
- Frequency: 10985
- Polarization: Horizaontal
- Symbol Rate: 45000
Compatible Receiver
You can use any MPEG-4 and high definition receiver to catch Ethiosat/Hornsat Sports on NSS-12 At 57.0E. If you’ve never owned anyone decoder before, then I recommend Mediastar MS-Mini 2727 and Mediastar MS-Mini 1818 receiver.

How Do I Point My Dish To Get Ethiosat/Hornsat Sports On NSS-12 At 57.0E
- Firstly, check the ladder is well placed on the ground, and the dish pole is strong enough to hold the dish.
- Use the dish pointer app to find satellite information such as inclination, Azimuth, and LNB screw adjustment. Write those details down in a sheet of paper.
- Set the azimuth according to the value written down.
- Lose the inclination sleeve nuts allowing to move dish up and down.
- Set up the Satfinder accordingly, i.e., Ethiosat is on NSS-12 At 57.0e using frequency 10985 H 45000.
- Raise your dish to the 52 degree East, once you get the signal, tight the inclination sleeve nuts
- Try to improve the signal by adjusting the azimuth from left to right and making sure the signal is not lost; otherwise, restore it back to the original position.
- Screw the LNB for possible signal improvement
- Tight the sleeve nuts of both azimuth and inclination permanently.
- Disconnect the cable from Satfinder and connect to the decoder
- Plug your decoder to the power socket
- Proceed to the installation Menu
- Choose the satellite corresponding to the LNB type (KU Band) and degree
- Set the diseqc switch if used otherwise ignore
- Choose “Blind Scan” from the scan mode or type and press ok or blue button to start scanning
- Wait for few minutes to finish the scanning and press exit to the home screen.
That’s all about how to get Ethiosat/Hornsat Sports on NSS-12 At 57.0E. With these free-to-air sport channels, you can watch live EPL, LA Liga, Turkey League 1, UEFA Champions League, UEFA Cup, European Qualifier and Serie A. Alternately, you can try IDMAN TV And CBC Sports On Intelsat 12/904 At 45.0E.