Dishpointer Pro App makes use of Google Maps to locate the satellite position and degree in the sky. It also regarded as a satellite dish pointer allowing technicians to install and align satellite dishes easily.
What is Dish Pointer Pro App?
It is a tool that is allowing satellite enthusiasts to align a dish with excellent precision in view minutes. Installing or aligning a satellite dish always been a complicated task. However, with the dish pointer pro app, this task becomes easy.
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Dishpointer Pro App Features
One of the best features you can find on this tool is integrating both the accelerator and magnetometer data to fulfill the gyroscope’s possible absence. It implies the most of the smartphone to take advantage of augmented reality.
In dishpointer, there’s an integrated module allowing us to calculate the magnetic declination and neutralize the possible error. Usually, the error lies between magnetic north and geographic north. As a result of this, we realized that most smartphones don’t have these declination features. And this helps to display the exact location or direction.
Dish Pointer is a mobile application tool that lets you turn your dish or antenna to any satellite. Thanks to the in features like accelerometer and compass displaying the target location of your satellite in space.
Accelerometer and compass of dishpointer pro app can help better to choose the location of your satellite dish. You have to make sure that there are no obstacle objects like trees, walls, houses, e.t.c.
Dishpointer App also features GPS to show your precise location on a map and then display the target satellite’s direction from your area. The compass has a beep alert to lets you turn your satellite dish. Note that you have to follow the acceleration of the beeps and the arrow of the compass.

How To Use Dishpointer Pro To Adjust A Satellite Dish Antenna
- Firstly, You need to select your preferred language.
- It would be best to automatically retrieve your GPS position using GPS or Manually entering the latitude and longitude.
- Select your target satellite to calculate the adjustment parameters of the satellite dish.
- Make sure that the support of your antenna is vertical.
- Calculate the polarization and adjust the rotation of the LNB.
- Adjust the elevation of the antenna or Satellite dish.
- Display of a line which indicates the adjustment of the target satellite from your current position on Google Maps.
- Make use of your smartphone’s compass with a beep to find the correct direction of the satellite.
- Show the satellite in augmented reality with your phone camera’s help, ensure that no obstacle in the sightline of the dish antenna.
- Improve the settings.
Note that, For the Dish pointer pro app to work effectively, then you will need to enable the accelerator and compass on your smartphone. This tool is very easy to fix satellite dish when it says no signal.
- Suppose your smartphone doesn’t come with a GPS, then you can proceed to add both latitude and longitude manually, usually found on Google Maps.
- The use of a compass might not be available on the Free version; then, you need to sign up for Dishpointer pro.
- Please don’t wait to recalibrate the compass and avoid nearing it too close to the parabola’s arm because it is sensitive to metallic elements. Thereby place the smartphone to where there’s little magnetic interference.

Dishpointer: Free VS Pro Version
The free version of the dish pointer pro app is sufficient for you to install your satellite dish. It calculates the adjustment parameters and provides the exact location of the satellite on Google Maps.
While The pro version of the dishpointer app gives you access to augmented reality to get the precise position of a satellite in space, it also offers you with an assistant based on the smartphone compass to show the correct direction of the target satellite.
Top Six (6) Dish Pointer App You Can Download on Your Smartphone
- Satellite Finder Pro (Dishpointer)
- Satfinder (Dish Pointer) Pro
- Satellite pointer
- Dishpointer (Satellite Finder & Dish installer)
- Satellite Director
- SatFinder (Dish Aligner)